Submission Terms
These terms (“Terms”) set out the policy of Red Kite Games Limited (“Red Kite Games”) regarding the submission and disclosure to it of any ideas, concepts, inventions, materials, designs or information (“Submissions”). Red Kite Games does not encourage unsolicited submissions. If you make, disclose or deliver Submissions to Red Kite Games, you do so subject to these Terms, which form part of a binding contract between you and Red Kite Games.
1. Red Kite Games is involved in the creation, research and development of software, technology, ideas and concepts relevant to the games industry and receives proposals and information internally and from various external sources. Accordingly, Red Kite Games may receive, review, devise or develop ideas, works, materials and information which are the same as or similar to your Submissions and/or have done so already. No use, review, research, development or disclosure of such works, materials and/or information by Red Kite Games shall be deemed a breach or infringement of any rights you have in any Submission.
2. Red Kite Games makes no representations or warranties of any kind regarding the receipt of any Submissions by Red Kite Games. Submissions are submitted at your own risk and in particular, Red Kite Games is not obliged to and does not warrant, represent or undertake that it will:
2.1. review or consider your Submissions nor provide any feedback in connection with them;
2.2. return nor acknowledge receipt of any Submissions;
2.3. maintain the security or confidentiality of any Submissions;
2.4. compensate you in any way in the event that we have already received, reviewed, devised or developed ideas, works, materials and / or information which are the same as or similar to your Submissions;
2.5. proceed with discussions or negotiations with you.
3. You warrant and represent that your Submission and its disclosure or delivery to Red Kite Games will not breach any agreement you may have with any third party (including without limitation any confidentiality, non-disclosure, secrecy or licence agreement) nor will it nor its use hereunder infringe any third party rights.
4. You shall not publicise the fact that you have made any Submissions to Red Kite Games.
5. These Terms constitute the complete and only agreement between you and Red Kite Games with respect to the Submissions and supersedes all prior oral or written understandings, communications or agreements not specifically incorporated herein and its terms shall have effect regardless of whether or not your Submissions are marked “confidential”, “private” or “proprietary” or have any other noticed or indications. These terms and the agreement they and your Submission give rise to shall not be varied by you or Red Kite Games expect in writing signed by you and a director of Red Kite Games.
6. These Terms shall be governed by and construed in accordance with English law and you hereby consent and submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts.